The first thing that an individual must accomplish before a paradigm shift can occur is to know what paradigm the individual is perceiving from or behaving through.
"Knowing" this paradigm requires no judgment as to the paradigms worth, efficiency, or value. In other words if you are studying the paradigm from a perspective that you need to change it or that the one you are operating from is "bad" or inefficient, you may not be able to study it objectively.
The second thing that an individual must accomplish before a paradigm shift can occur is to know what what paradigm the individual wants to shift to.
Similarly, the individual must not think that the paradigm to shift to is "better"or more efficient.
If one holds that it is just a different paradigm, they have a chance to understand and shift into that paradigm.
It is all that simple. The actual process of the shift may take some practice or activity, but these are the steps to take to experience one. For now there are some activities listed in my last blog: